Planning New Parks

The open body slides and the enclosed body slides are the basic elements for a water park.

The inner-tube slides are bigger slides to be used with inflatable inner-tubes.

For people that like thrilling rides to satisfy their need for adrenaline.

The Amazon River is a slide open for use with rafts of up to 5 persons.

Kids areas include interactive elements and decorative elements.

Play structures are modular attractions which are used as exit islands for slides.

Open Panel

Fibrart has had the honor to accompany a great number of entrepreneurs in the development of new parks and spas in Mexico, USA, Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Europe and Africa. With more than 30 years on the market we can offer to the client the best methodology for his park to be a commercial success. Given that it is true that having the best attractions helps, having a better plan than your competition does too, because it is good planning that helps you define your target market and makes you have better attractions, at the same time keeping you focused on not wasting resources in looking for attractions and publics which will not necessarily be your future client.

Usually it all starts from a simple idea, “I want to have a water park…”. However the majority of the new parks confront a different market in comparison with the market encountered by the first spas, hotels, resorts or recreation centers, because the malls were not so developed, the vacation centers and many other attractions such as the Family Entertainment Center (FEC), which currently compete for water park clients within the beach vacation centers. However thanks to the fact that in general the world economy has grown and with it family income, new attractions could be developed, as the expenses on entertainment have risen with each decade notwithstanding depressions and economic crises.

But when a visitor wants to spend on access to a water park, how many would go to the park, what would it have to have for them to be willing to pay more; are the questions that can be answered by a market study which delivers different answers depending on the site, regional economy, culture and social situation. But it is starting with the market study which gives us an idea of how many people would be willing to go to a water park and how much they would be willing to pay, depending on the services provided. This determines for us the size of the park, as well as the type of attractions that can be included depending on the cost of the entrance ticket which will give us an operational cost parameter, which cannot be exceeded.

Once the size and level of the park we can construct is determined Fibrart facilitates for the future owner of the park the experience of choosing attractions, location and space between his available options, in such a way that he can plan to leave the park to his children and they can consequently leave it to his grandchildren.

Once the attractions are determined we can calculate the initial investment, as well as the operational cost, and the income of the park through ticketing, internal consumption, promotion, events and interchanges with other organizations through sponsoring.

Fibrart offers advice in the handling and development of any water park, section, or expansion you would like to conduct, so that the owner has the confidence of knowing that besides obtaining the best attractions, he made the best choice in commercial and image terms for the long term of his park.

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